U24009 - Newmark Civil Engineering Labs - Partial Roof Replacement
Pre-Bid Information
11/12/2024 11:00 AM CT
A mandatory virtual pre-bid conference for all parties interested in
bidding the project will be held at 11:00 AM on 11/12/2024 through Zoom 312 626 6799,
Meeting ID: 844 3586 0230, Passcode: 1867. Representatives of the Owner and the
Professional Services Consultant will be present to answer questions regarding the project
and bidding procedures. All prospective bidders are REQUIRED to attend.
Bid Information
11/21/2024 02:00 PM CT
Electronic Bids will be received up to the hour of 2:00 PM, prevailing time,
on 11/21/2024.
Electronic bids will be electronically opened and publicly
read on 11/21/2024 / 2:30 PM on a Zoom call-in telephone number 312 626 6799,
Meeting ID: 847 2217 3857, Passcode: 1867 and tabulated. A recording of the bid
opening is available upon request.
Deadline for bidder Requests for Information (RFI) is 7 calendar days prior to Bid
Opening date and time, unless otherwise specified.
Site Visit Information
Site visit to
follow immediately after the pre-bid meeting at 205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL
The Work of this Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the
following: Reroof at roof areas B1, B7, B8 (Base Bid), B2 (Add Alternate #1), B3 (Add
Alternate #2) includes: Remove existing roofing systems down to existing roof deck
including existing vapor retarders and adhesives. Provide new adhered vapor retarders,
insulation, cover board, and PVC fully adhered roofing system. Replace metal trim, counter
flashing and other metal accessories. Remove and replace existing rooftop mounted
equipment as indicated. Raise curbs under roof mounted mechanical equipment as
indicated for new roof system thickness. Provide code compliant fall protection. Provide
lightning protection systems modifications as indicated. Provide new roof drains. Modify
existing plumbing vents and provide new extensions as indicated. Provide miscellaneous
masonry modifications for new scuppers and repairs as indicated.
This project includes a Project Labor Agreement that will be executed between the lowest
responsible/responsive bidder and the East Central Illinois Building and Construction
Trades Council. A copy of the Project Labor Agreement is included at the end of Section
00 90 00.
Refer to Division 01 of the technical specifications for a complete, detailed breakdown of
the base bids and alternates for this project.